Frequently asked questions

About online tracking and Datagator

About online tracking and Datagator

Is Datagator free?

Yes. The Datagator browser extension is free to use.

However, if you choose to join a claim, we will take a percentage of the compensation we obtain for you. This allows us to pursue even more claims.  See How is compensation shared? for more info.

What is online tracking, and why is it a problem?

Hundreds of companies unlawfully collect data about the things you do online, such as the websites you visit, the pages you view, searches you make, and the links you click. By collecting this information across multiple websites, they can build very detailed profiles about you that can include sensitive data. This includes your interests, location, health, sexual preference, income and political affiliations.

This is not just creepy: it is often illegal and harmful. The majority of these tracking businesses do not give you any real choice about the collection and transmission of your online activities. This data and the profiles created from it isn’t only used to show you relevant ads, but leads to discrimination, the spread of misinformation, and political manipulation.

How does Datagator intend to fix online tracking?

Datagator detects and gathers evidence of privacy violations as they happen. We help you to take action against illegal tracking by joining claims we pursue against tracking businesses who violate your privacy. By assisting you to claim compensation for privacy violations, we create incentives for tracking businesses to fix their broken business model, and thereby prevent future privacy breaches.

Is Datagator against ads?

No. We think ads are important for keeping the internet open and free for everyone. However, we don't believe that showing ads means you have to unlawfully track people and build detailed profiles about them. Besides, there are plenty of alternatives that allow for advertising without tracking, such as contextual advertising, where ads are based on the content of the page rather than continual personal surveillance.