Claim back your privacy from trackers

Detect sites and trackers that spy on you, and join claims against companies that violate your privacy.

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7 cases won against trackers
€101,500 awarded in court
Used by 200+ users
7 cases won against trackers
€101,500 awarded in court

Thousands of trackers are illegally spying on your online activities, building detailed profiles based on your browsing habits. We're here to put an end to that.

Datagator Extension

Find out who is secretly following you online

While you browse the web, Datagator shows you which companies illegally spy on you in the background.

Enforce your rights

Join claims against privacy violators

Join claims against sites and trackers that violate your privacy. Datagator takes legal action for past breaches, and to prevent future breaches, on your behalf.

Win for privacy, and for you

Anything we win, we share with you.

We seek penalties and compensation from privacy violators. Whenever we win a claim that you have joined, you'll receive up to 60% of any proceeds we collect.

Join the movement

Help clean up the internet

The current digital advertising ecosystem is a growing threat to privacy, and this has to change. By taking legal action, we seek to create financial incentives to fix a broken business model and create a privacy friendly internet for everyone.

How we're doing so far

7 cases won, and counting

Datagator and its partners have, to date, successfully obtained the following injunctions and damages against illegal trackers

Injunction obtained against a French AdTech business, including €50,000 in penalties


Injunction obtained against a French AdTech business, including €25,000 in penalties


Damages of €1500 obtained for a single person against a US web monitoring business


Injunction obtained against a "big tech" player, resulting in a temporary suspension of activity


Injunction obtained against a major US social network for unlawful cookie tracking.


Injunction action against a major Chinese owned social network for unlawful cookie tracking


How to join Datagator

Add in seconds

It just takes a few clicks to add Datagator to your computer.

Browse like normal

We’ll automatically collect evidence of privacy violations, while keeping your browsing data private.

Join claims

We keep you up to date on our progress and any outcome.

Your privacy always comes first

Datagator must analyze your browsing data to collect evidence and build cases. We’ve taken several measures to preserve your privacy while using Datagator.

Stored on your computer

All browsing data is stored and analyzed on your computer.

Minimum data

We minimize data collection by storing as little data as possible and on your device.

Private browsing not captured

Websites you visit using incognito browsing are not captured by default.

Let’s clean up the internet together

And change the online advertising industry


Have questions? We've got answers (to questions we think you might have)! If you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to reach out to us directly.

What is online tracking, and why is it a problem?

Hundreds of companies unlawfully collect data about the things you do online, such as the websites you visit, the pages you view, searches you make, and the links you click. By collecting this information across multiple websites, they can build very detailed profiles about you that can include sensitive data. This includes your interests, location, health, sexual preference, income and political affiliations.

This is not just creepy: it is often illegal and harmful. The majority of these tracking businesses do not give you any real choice about the collection and transmission of your online activities. This data and the profiles created from it isn’t only used to show you relevant ads, but leads to discrimination, the spread of misinformation, and political manipulation.

Is Datagator free?

Yes. The Datagator browser extension is free to use.

However, if you choose to join a claim, we will take a percentage of the compensation we obtain for you. This allows us to pursue even more claims.  See How is compensation shared? for more info.

Does Datagator know what websites I visit?

For your privacy, our extension analyses your browsing data exclusively on your device (i.e. offline) to determine whether a privacy violation has taken place.